terça-feira, 3 de setembro de 2013

Coffee Ceremony

Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world, but even so, the hospitality is always present. Scented and cut grass is always on the floor as a welcome carpet for visitors and almost everywhere we could see it as we were visiting during the period of New Year.
The coffee cerimony is a must for any tourist and we could not avoid to drink a few cups during our trip.

Cut Grass on the supermarket


Coffee Ceremony

Ready for one more cup of coffee
Cappuccino style

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013

Adis Ababa and its sheep

One of the main attraction in Adis Ababa is all the sheep walking around the city.

Those sheep were around the downtown

and those on the road to the airport

Sheep near the Zoo

domingo, 1 de setembro de 2013

Ethiopia - Adis Ababa

We spent the New Year of 2013 in Ethiopia and Tanzania.

Our first good impression was the Ethiopian Airlines, with a 787 flying from Beijing to Adis Ababa, it was a smooth journey with a good service.

One of our first stop is to visit the National Museum. Ethiopia is a one of the oldest Christian countries, but all the pictures were almost like a cartoon.

Entrance of the National Museum

Lion of Judah - Symbol of Ethiopia

In front of the Museum

sexta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2013

Mongolia Culture

During our trip we meet a lot of nice people who were always helpful to us. At the end, the impression of the country was a booming nation, full of raw resources and open to the world.

The size of the Mongol Empire during Genghis Khan

Seniors walking around the Parliament

David with a Mongolian artist

Drink your milk

The yak one !
Bye Bye Mongolia

quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2013

Ulan Baatar - Parliament Building

Adivinha de quem e a estatua no Parlamento da Mongolia ? Genghis Khan.

Genghis Khan features again in front of the Parliament, just observing the whole Mongolian nation, as a symbol of unity in a vast land with a population of 4 million people.
We were lucky to see the changing of the guards in front of the Parliament. It was a bit pompous but interesting to see.

Parliament Building

Guard in position. We smiled at him but no reaction...



and me

quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2013

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan is everywhere in Mongolia, as a symbol of a nation who once controlled almost the whole Asia.

Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue

On the way to the Ger, we visited the Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue. See the link below

It was extremely windy !!

terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013

Being in a Ger - Final de semana no deserto da Mongolia

We spent a weekend in a Ger in the middle of a desert in Mongolia. It is amazing to see the stars at night and being so isolated from everything.

Nos passamos um final de semana no deserto da Mongolia. Ver as estrelas a noite totalmente isolados e uma experiencia gratificante.


From the distance

How to make a Ger - Step 1

How to make a Ger - Step 2

How to make a Ger - Step 3

How to make a Ger - Step 4

How to make a Ger - Step 5
How to make a Ger - Step 6
Ready to use

Cozy and warm

with natural light

segunda-feira, 26 de agosto de 2013

Budismo na Mongolia

Buddhism in Mongolia - Budismo na Mongolia

Mongolia is a Buddhist country and even after so many decades of opression from the Communist
State, the buddhist culture survived and now it is getting a revival among the population.

Depois de decadas de opressao religiosa pelo partido comunista, o budismo voltou a florescer na Mongolia.

Maitreya Buddha

Young boys in a buddhist monastery

Temple entrance

Buddha s Feet

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013


Ha quase um ano eu nao escrevo mas decidi recomecar para deixar registrado um pouco da minha historia.
No ano passado, eu e David fomos ate a Mongolia por alguns dias. Um pais ainda inospito, mas cheio de oportunidades devido ao volume de minerios a serem explorados pelas multinacionais.

Arriving in Mongolia

Welcome to Mongolia

A capital Ulaan Baatar (ou Ulan Bator) e como uma grande area em construcao, mas sem nenhuma organizacao, o que causa um caos no transito e uma poluicao extrema, exarcebada pela falta de umidade do ar.

Walking on the road under construction

Apesar de tudo, o pais esta se desenvolvendo rapidamente e ao mesmo tempo, revitalizando a sua milenar cultura e religiao que foi reprimida durante o governo comunista.

The whole capital is under renovation